Sunday, April 22, 2007


Nie potrafie pomyslec o niczym co byloby silniej napedzajacym hardcore w latach 90'tych niz Swiadomosc Kryszny i Hardline. Nic wczesniej nie odbilo sie takim pietnem na tzw. moralnosc w hc niz obie wspomniane filozofie. I nic do tej pory nie dalo nam takiego kopa.

Ta pierwsza narodzila sie tysiace lat temu i oparta o Wedy mowi o Bogu i o naturze duszy. To kompleksowa nauka, ktorej mozna rzecz prosta konkluzja jest fakt, ze kazdy z nas jest niesmiertelna dusza a jej natura jest sluzba Bogu.
Hardline powstalo w zlosci i z checi izolacji. Stworzone w bardzo waskim kole przyjaciol rozwijalo sie stopniowo od szczekajacych wkolo dzieciakow aby w koncowym swoim etapie okreslic sie mianem filozofji laczacej elementy szerokiej ekologii, mistycyzmu, praw ludzi i zwierzat.

I Swiadomosc Kryszny i Hardline wnosily na scene hardcore nowe spojrzenie na zycie. HC przestawal byc oaza plytkich tematow i taniej rozrywki. Pojawilo sie przeto pare typow, ktorym nie wystarczylo juz granie prostej muzyki.

Nie znam nikogo, kto bylby zaangazowany w scene w latach 90'tych i nie mial swojego zdania na te dwa tematy. Nikt tez nie zaprzeczy, ze dwa pierwsze zespoly odpowiedzialne za ten caly balagan to SHELTER i VEGAN REICH.

How does the word 'reich' fit into the name?
It leads one to think you follow the beliefs of Nazi Germany's military state.
Do you justify violence to get the desired outcome, as in "ends justify the means"?

Many years ago, before the band was in existence, and many of our crew were still quite active in the anarchist community, we got a reputation for being extremely fanatical concerning animal rights.
For this reason, some of those who didn't share our firm position on the subject began to think of us as Nazis (as we wanted to "deny them their right to eat meat").
We took the name both as a joke, in response to their accusations, and also because it described what we were about.
Hitler just happened to use the word "Reich', but it is not inherently a Nazi word.
Reich just means 'empire'.
Vegan Reich means an empire of vegans.
Although the Nazis can be respected for their organizational skills, and extreme discipline, - they were pure evil, and we consider them to be our enemy!
How does the band feel the role of Veganism should be in Straight Edge, - should being a Vegetarian be an essential requirement?
The only way veganism actually fits into the traditional Straight Edge idology of not having a crutch, and being clear minded would be from a health point of view, as meat and dairy products have many hormones, (both from an artificial source injected into the animal, as well as from the animals sex glands), that do in fact act as drugs once released into mans bloodstream.
If one wants to be free of addictions, it seems only logical that they would give up one of the most mentally addictive substances there is, - animal products, - because, obviously, since their consumption is not a necessity, and in fact is detrimental to one's health, - it can only be addiction that keeps people eating such things.
But relating animal rights to Straight Edge, (trying to tie the first into the later), is really a backwards proposition anyway.
The movement one should be concerned first and foremost with is that of animal liberation.
Too much emphasis is placed on being Straight Edge for Straight Edge's sake.
Having a clear mind, free of intoxication, etc., only has value, and serves a purpose if one uses that heightened awareness and strength in a quest for something greater, be it animal liberation, class struggle, or environmental action.
To center a whole movement over the issue of abstinence from drugs is just in one way too broad based.
Too many people with totally different views, (that are completely antithetical to each other), become falsely aligned in such a situation, and their various agendas get pushed onto a back burner, for the sake of some contrived unity.
So, should Veganism be an essential requirement of being Straight Edge?
Well, from a health and anti-addiction point of view, this would make sense, but beyond that, we shouldn't try to make Straight Edge more than what it is.
It is just one component that goes into making a complete person, and it should be treated as such.
If someones into animal lib, being Straight Edge should just be part of that, (as in "I'm a Vegan who is Straight"), rather than "I'm a Straight Edger who happens to be Vegan").
That applies to all other movements, - from an Albanian Nationalist, to a Greek Anarchist, being Straight will serve each cause well, but it will not and should not unite opposing sides.
After many people are exposed to the diet, and philosophy, of Vegetarianism, why do you feel many declare that "vegetarianism is just not for them?"
It has to do with alot of different factors.
The main one is that regardless of ones race or religion, most people are raised with an anthropocentric outlook on the world.
Which is to say that they see everything revolving around man, with all life only existing for his, or their, needs (thinking that they are the master race, and have a right to chose the fate, be it good or bad, of other life forms).
Even most people who become vegetarians still believe in such a concept.
They just happen to feel guilty about their treatment of the 'lower lifeforms'.
Consequently, their whole approach on the matter is still from an anthropocentric perspective.
They are just arguing for the masters to treat their slaves with kindness, rather than arguing to free up the slaves from their position.
To be forever out from under their masters hand, be he holding a whip, or a reward.
Subsequently, the message people receive from these vegetarians is that, "if you're truly a kind person you should live without taking an animals life".
It is never one that says, "you have no right to kill an animal" as most vegetarians in that catagory still think it is up to the human to decide.
They still hold onto the illusion that man is superior.
They personally just choose to be nice to their slaves, like the 'NICE' plantation owners in the Old South.
Since the mainstream, non-vegetarian, element of this society is so entrenched with these anthropocentric beliefs, it is no wonder that the modern vegetarian movement has not yet managed to break it's ties with the same anthropocentric beliefs; and had only put forth a weak appeal aimed at peoples 'compassion',.
Never questioning the deeper root of the problem.
The modern vegetarian movement has so utterly failed to promote change on a population devoid of morality and responsibility.
People still don't hesitate to say "vegetarianism is just not for them", when they are unable to discern what's truely at stake here.
What actions must we take in order to ensure a future nation free of all forms of animal exploitation?
Immediately, we have to deal with saving lives today; through direct action, in conjunction with a massive educational campaign.
Be it through music, art, or literature, to further enlighten people and gain numbers in our movement.
With that said, we must not fool ourselves into thinking that the majority of the population, (which fails to even see as equal, members of its' own species; be it women, minorities, or members of different religions), will ever be enlightened as to the righteousness of animal liberation and the necessity of animal rights.
Most people are, at best, amoral, and at worst, immoral.
Accepting that as truth, we must put our energies into creating a situation where they are forced to grant rights and freedoms to all life.
Ideally, that would mean an ecology oriented, vegan moral and ethical code.
Let our numbers increase and govern the streets so that no man or woman shall transress on what is good and righteous.
Your lyrics strongly attack capitalism.
What sort of political system would you advocate, if any, and can this system be realized in our lifetime, if ever?

The kind of 'system' we would like to see, would be one that takes from the best aspects of of all political and social thought, to achieve a just and equitable world for all.
One could look at examples of the Anarcho-Syndicalists in civil war era Spain, or to any communal tribal society to get an idea where our roots of thought lie, in regards to building a new culture and society.
We believe in a decentralized body of coordination, where no individual holds any power.
The law shall be morality.
In such a society there would be no interference in peoples daily lives, in so long as they did not interfere with others lives, thus transgressing the law.
That means no exploitation of workers through the practices of capitalism; nor any destruction of innocent life, from animals to the unborn.
It would also mean there would be no tolerance for those who seek to rot away the moral foundation of such a society with filth and perversion.
Our politics would be one of food, clothes, and shelter.
There would be no politicians, - only farms and the harvest.
Living with nature, obeying her rules.
That would be our government.
In harmony with the natural order.
Is it possible, now or ever, you ask?
Where there is a will ... there is a way.
What practical method of self control do you use?
In other words, when you abstain from something you have to replace that void with something else.
What helps you?

I personally thrive on the void.
The more I can do without, the closer I push myself to the edge, the more strength I gain.
I have no faith in any religion, and I gain no comfort from anyone.
My life is the struggle, and that's how I like it.
What are your plans for Vegan Reich, and Hardline?
Vegan Reich has got a new line-up together, and will be recording a second 7" in the coming months to deal with some questions many have asked regarding our approach on the first one.
After that, we'll be locking ourselves away for a few months, getting our material finished for our first LP, which will come out to coincide with our U.S. tour this summer.
Hardline Records is going very well, and we'll be putting out releases by Street Justice, Earth Crisis, Pressure, The 11th Hour, and more.
Any closing comments?
Don't trust the Medical Industry, and their unnatural medicines and vaccines.
Build your immunity, and heal yourself with the food and the herbs that grow from the Earth.
Laguna Beach, Calif.

Wywiad pochodzi z Face It Fanzine #3...

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